Saturday 16 April 2011

Wednesday 6th April 2010 St Jean-de-Losne

Pontoon by campsite at St Jean-de-Losne.
River Saone

Sunny and warm. Mike for bread (excellent and only 80c) and to La Poste (still no fridge thermostat) so he phoned the UK. They hadn’t sent it, a query over the size as to whether it would fit. Why didn’t they ring? Mike gave the guy all the details again including the payment details and told him we would have to sort out a new postal address. Mike phoned him back with details for Langres. After lunch I gave Mike a hand first to move the boat to the upstream end of the pontoon as the canoe kids were a screaming nuisance and then to get the bike off the roof using two tyres to put the front wheel on as it came down off the roof and avoiding the clouds of wasps. At the back of the pontoon there was a huge amount of debris that had lodged there which had been added to by floods, etc, and was a stinking swampy mess with plants growing on it. Mike went to collect the car from Fragnes. When he returned I gave a hand to put the bike on the roof then we went a walk to look at what they’d done to the once nice and shady mooring a bit further upstream – ruined it! No more overhanging trees and they’d edged the bank with clods of earth covered with hessian matting through which plants and grass were now growing. A steep slope to the water and no shade meant it was no longer a pleasant alternative mooring. Mike went to park the car in town and I made a cuppa. 

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