Wednesday 17 August 2011

Thursday 16th June 2011 Antoing.

Sunny with heavy showers. A bad night. Mike didn’t sleep well as he had been mosquito bitten and got up several times for anti-itch cream to put on the bites and to find an aerosol spray of mosquito killer, consequently I had a bad night too. We weren’t best pleased to be woken again at 5.45 a.m. by the first passing commercial trying to flush us out of the weirstream. Mike had just got up when Francis arrived at 8.15 a.m. He went next door to have coffee with Olly who had likewise only just got up. First problem, no water supply, so Mike had to change water pumps – we didn’t have that problem yesterday. They tried all sorts again and couldn’t resolve the problem. Mike said he’d have to give it some serious thought. I suggested phoning Peter to bounce ideas off one another and Anne lent him her UK phone as she said she had loads of free minutes on it. They came to the conclusion that it was a blockage in the exhaust system. Nothing else for it than to remove the water-cooled silencer and re-instate the dry one - luckily Mike had kept it. All the symptoms fell into place when his thinking became clearer and less panic-motivated. After dinner Mike finished swapping the exhaust systems over and put the big silencer that he constructed on the front deck seat to be cut open and examined when he gets time later; then possibly cleaned, holes made bigger and reinstated. Hopefully. He tried it, a pipe hanging out of the pigeon box to get rid of the cooling water and it seemed to work OK. Tomorrow will tell. Fingers crossed.

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