Wednesday 17 August 2011

Tuesday 14th June 2011 Péronnes. The last painting done - we BBQ’d to celebrate.

Sunny and warm, with a few white clouds. Mike went for bread then we set to work. I painted the red antifouling over the red paint around the stern. Later Mike did the last coats of paint on the stern colours. I helped do the first section of rollering the blacking on the bottom, then Olly volunteered to help Mike so I started on the black bands around the stern. Anne made us a cuppa so we had a short break while we drank it. Finished off the black bands and did black antifouling around the lower rubbing band, we’d got a small jam jar of antifouling left. Mike ran out of paint on the bottom leaving a 3m section unpainted.  Paused for a late lunch. Went round cleaning up and tidying, Mike flattened the paint cans etc. Decided to have a BBQ to celebrate the finish of painting. Anne supplied pork on sticks, chicken legs and veg kebabs while we did sausages and bacon wrapped sausages plus baked spuds. I opened the bottle of champagne we’d had in the 'fridge since we first met up with the Snails and Anne and I had kir royals while Mike and Olly had a glass of champagne before their usual beer. At least it didn’t rain on us this time! It was midnight as we packed up. 

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