Tuesday 5 July 2011

Saturday 11th June 2011 Péronnes. Rain but work goes on

Cold night, grey clouds and a few spots of rain every now and then. Mike had promised to take Anne to get some shopping and a top-up for their phone and he posted birthday cards. I got on with the chores. It was gone 11.00 a.m. when they returned. Mike made a start on the weed hatch and I made lunch. After lunch I helped Mike chisel the rest off the paint off the stern with the aid of the gas torch by putting out the flaming pieces of paint. Anne’s friend Bernadette who lives in Péronnes came to visit. Anne volunteered to do jobs. Too grey to paint, it looked like it would pour down (but didn’t) so he said she could paint our fenders with creosote. I collected up all the power tools and took them back on board then started on my ironing. Mike needed the mains cable to do the last bits of welding on Snail so I had no power supply for the ironing. I tidied up the front deck. Anne shouted us to have a drink so we sat out and chatted. Mike had a look at our fridge’s 240V power supply which was playing up.  

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