Tuesday 5 July 2011

Thursday 9th June 2011 Péronnes. Work, work and more work. BBQ

Sunny. Grey clouds threatened rain. Mike decided to strip the paint off the coloured bands around the stern. Helped him get the spare gas bottle down to ground level and found the gas blowlamp out. He hadn’t been doing it for long when I had the call to be fire-watcher as he’d already set a large patch of dry grass on fire with burning paint. I took my plant mister spray down with me and dampened the grass then sprayed each strip of burning paint as it landed. It needed body filler in the gaps under the D-irons in places, mainly right at the middle of the stern and, as he’d used most of the last container filling the underneath sections of the D-irons around the bows, he had to go and get more from the DIY in Antoing. Anne sent cups of tea down so after a chat with Olly I went and sat with them and their friend Dick, who lives on his Dutch sailing barge near Namur, who’d come to lend a hand. When Mike returned he drank his tea and did a bit more work on the stern. When we finished work we had a BBQ and sat out chatting, drinking and eating until 12.30 a.m. The sky clouded over but we didn’t have any rain. 

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