Tuesday 5 July 2011

Wednesday 1st June 2011 Péronnes. Working on the dry dock.

Sunny and hot. Old clothes on and out to start work on the rubbing down – except we hadn’t got any wire brushes. Mike thought we had, but couldn’t find any (found them after we’d nearly finished – they were in the box with the electric drills!). He went to get some from the Brico in Tournai. I got on with the usual chores and defrosted the ‘fridge. I managed to get all the food back in the ‘fridge just before he returned. Made a start on the wire-brushing, Mike doing the gunwales to waterline and I did below waterline. He did all around the back then went to investigate the leaky fuel tank in Snail’s bows. He and Olly decided to take off part of the top of the rubbing band around the bows and find the leak, which was behind it, as their tank is situated on their boat in the place where we have our gas locker - right in the point of the bow. After lunch Mike carried on working on Snail’s bow with Olly, pressure testing it and continuing to find more leaks. I carried on with the cleaning off. I finished around 5.30 p.m. as I’d done to the end of the trolley. Mike and Olly carried on working, finding the holes in the edge of Snail’s fuel tank.

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