Tuesday 24 May 2011

Saturday 14th May 2011 Antoing.

Warm and sunny with a strong chilly breeze. After a much more peaceful night than at Tournai, Mike decided to walk the 5kms back to Tournai to collect the car and Anne volunteered to go with him taking their little terrier dog, Woody, for a good long walk. I got on with chores then put the laptop on to catch up on the log. I almost forgot to record Corrie and Mike hadn’t reminded me. When he returned I made some sandwiches for lunch. After lunch I started preparing for the BBQ we were having later, boiled some eggs and fried bacon bits and bread for croutons to make a bacon and egg salad, then boiled some spuds for a potato salad and put two bits of steak in a marinade. Gave Mike a hand to check the local WiFi and found four open ones, but couldn’t access them. Mike went for a lie down as his knee was aching after his long walk. We were surrounded with Dutch boats, three Botters – two in front and one in the gap behind us plus two cruisers. Olly lit their BBQ on the wall by Snail’s bows and Mike took our little hibachi out and did likewise. Andy had a fancy Cob BBQ (with lid) that uses very little fuel. Took out all the salad, etc and everyone cooked their own. Anne had made vegetable kebabs one for each of us. We’d just started to eat when the rain poured down. The Snails had got a couple of brollies so we put them up and Mike went for our big fisherman’s brolly so we were reasonably dry – but it turned very chilly so we didn’t sit out much after dark. Took all the gear back on board and left the washing up until the following day.

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