Friday 6 May 2011

Thursday 28th April 2011 Vailly-sur-Aisne - Vic-sur-Aisne 37kms 6 locks

Automatic staircase locks at Celles

Grey, overcast and damp. A péniche went past just after eight, before we were out of bed. Set off at 9.10 a.m. A VNF van went past as we went past the quay by the road bridge. 2kms down the canal to the last canal lock. Surprised that staircase locks 7&8 Celles (2.5m & 3m) were now automated. Took a few photos of the cabin over the bottom chamber and then set off on the river Aisne on a 12.75kms reach. Maeva was busy doing her school work. Loaded péniche Relicat went upstream at KP57, empty Kurum from Nancy followed it at KP58. There was a silo at KP58 where Anex was loading, Yukoncity was already loaded and Canberra from Seraing was waiting to be loaded. 
Loaded peniche Relicat heading upriver at KP57
The next loaded boat, Mardi, went past at KP62. We arrived at lock 9 Villeneuve-St-Germain (1.4m) at 11.40 a.m. The rods to activate the locks were now painted green not blue. And we had to be careful to pass close to the entrance sensor, if we didn’t the sensor wouldn’t “see” the boat. I made lunch on the 4kms reach through Soissons. There were three cruisers moored by the electric boxes but not plugged in (they were operated by tokens, therefore probably expensive) and a péniche houseboat was moored on the opposite bank of the river in the town where a camper van was parked. Into lock 10 Vauxrot (1.5m) and we entered the lock chamber on the side opposite to the sensor so the rod didn’t work, backed up to the sensor then went back in and it worked OK. 
Moored on the silo quay at Vic-sur-Aisne
On the 10kms reach we passed three private boats all heading uphill; a Dutch yacht called Arger with its fairy-lights on at KP74,  an ex-Carribean called Octavia with a UK flag at KP75 and a Dutch cruiser called Kievit at KP79. Into lock 11 Fontenoy (1.95m) and dropped down with no problems. It had been raining but it was easing off. The quay at Vic-sur-Aisne was full; a Nicholls cruiser, a Swiss flagged DB called Parelion and a British replica DB called Linda from Sheffield. We went down to lock 12 Vic-sur-Aisne (1.13m) zapped and the gates opened but not fully. It sat with the red and green lights on. It was 3.05 p.m. Shortly afterwards loaded Belgian péniche Yukoncity arrived and he telephoned the VNF to come and clear the gates. 
Barragiste at work on the ancient needle weir
We waited half an hour then gave up and retreated upriver to moor on the old silo loading quay in Vic. We were only going to go another 5kms down river anyway. The VNF came and cleared it shortly after and the péniche went down. Mike went to reconnoitre the village for a boulangerie and was astounded to see the locals answer to no parking signs – they park on the footpaths, completely blocking the pedestrian passage, who have to use the road to pass by!    

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